
Oct 09, 2023


I wanted to reflect on a fundamental principle that holds great significance in our lives as believers—Stewardship.

It's the understanding that everything we have, be it our time, finances, abilities, relationships, or possessions, is entrusted to us by God. We are not mere owners, but stewards responsible for managing these blessings for His purposes.

As stewards, we are called to a higher purpose—to invest, nurture, and multiply what God has graciously given us. This shift in perspective requires us to step away from self-serving desires and align our actions with His will. By doing so, we create a ripple effect of positive influence and contribute to the expansion of His kingdom.

Let us take a moment this week to assess the gifts we've been blessed with and prayerfully consider how we can use them to make a difference for His glory. As we embrace this mindset of stewardship, we unlock the potential to impact lives and inspire change in our communities.

May we, as faithful stewards, strive to honor God through our actions, multiplying His blessings and glorifying His name.


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